Drak Attack

Last month, I posted my Drak Work in Progress pictures. I'm happy to report that he's finally done! I wanted to use a limited color palette on this little Bonesylvanian and keep the focus on his eyes while adding interest to his leathery wings. I'm really happy with how the purple-brown transition on the back of his wings turned out. 

DrakGus also took a trip as ambassadors of the miniature painting hobby. I brought them to my panel interview and was prepared for the inevitable question: "As you know, this job is focused on project management and tight deadlines. How do you feel about working in a less creative role?" which I was prepared to answer with, "While I'm no stranger to effective time management & productivity in my current role, I satisfy my creative needs outside my professional life with painting miniatures. These little guys are my zen hobby". Then I take them out and pass them around-- it usually gets people smiling and they respond with curiosity and surprise. 'Wow, these are so little! You paint these?!". I'm always happy to share my miniature painting hobby and Drak & Gus were my good luck charms.

Oh, and by the way, I GOT THE JOB!!!