DRAK · COMPLETED DECember 11, 2014 

Here's "Drak" from the Reaper Miniatures Bonesylvanians line. These miniatures, sculpted by Julie Guthrie & Bob Ridolfi, were available as limited editions cast in pewter in the month of October. Drak is extra-special since he was my good luck charm during an interview. I got the job!

Practice Study: Experimenting with a muted color palette, painting his huge eyes similar to gems using a bold color, and adding interest to the back of his wings. 

Lesson Learned: Taking pictures of miniatures is great to spot things you otherwise might miss. Also, paint on primer stinks. At first I struggled with his eyes, but eventually through trial-and-error, was able to decide on how best to paint them. They have a few more layers of paint than I'd like, but they're not especially chunky.